Tattoo Warrior - meaning for men, tattoo designs (Russian, Slavic, Japanese warrior), placement (on the arm, forearm, hand), photo works

Why do young children draw first and then learn to write? The reason for this naturalness is the human ability to analyze a picture faster than a text. The languages of the peoples of the Earth are different, but the image is understood by everyone. Therefore, body art knows no boundaries.

Professional tattoos look beautiful on the body, and their meaning is clear without an interpreter. Often tattoos reflect a person's character, ideology, worldview and disposition. This is most vividly obtained by the owners on the body of the tattoo with a warrior.

About the warrior tattoo bearers

The choice of such an image does not mean militaristic, aggressive leanings. Yes, and not all of its owners sanguine by temperament. Tattoo with a warrior people choose for the following reasons:

  • Love for specific historical characters.
  • Internal self-discipline, control.
  • An innate sense of justice.
  • Professional affiliation with the power structures.

The warrior on the body is primarily a defender. Such tattoos attract decent, honest people capable of self-sacrifice, a feat.

Popular and warrior among young romantics, whose views on life are similar to the codes of honor of chivalry. It is a kind of talisman, protection, inner core and amulet for people at the beginning of their spiritual path.

This is a kind of talisman, a talisman and an inner core. The awareness of belonging to strong people, even if only in one's own mind, mobilizes and helps in difficult life situations.

Choice of drawing location

Tattoo with a warrior is usually applied in full height. Yes and the detailing of the applied sketch, the picture is well enough worked out. Therefore, a large area for such a drawing will be required. The best choice of place of application will be:

  • Arm.
  • Shoulder.
  • Forearm.
  • Leg.
  • Thigh.
  • Shin.

All these places are voluminous, with a pronounced presence of muscles, muscles, always in motion, dynamics. But the back, abdomen, chest are not the best choice. Despite the attractiveness in size, these parts of the body are closed.

Tattoo warrior choose to demonstrate to the whole society, not just a select few people close to them.

In addition, the militant theme of the tattoo is more inherent in men, and the hair on the chest will clearly interfere. But all in the hands of the tattoo-master and the wishes of the future bearer of the tattoo.

Popular drawings of warriors

They can be divided into the following subspecies:

  • Mythological.
  • Historical and geographical.
  • Patriotic.


Mythology in tattoo warriors is reflected in ancient heroes. They are Atilla, Spartacus and Hannibal. Interesting and the decision to tattoo themselves not a specific historical character, and a collective image.

It consists of the clothes of that era, weapons and armor. Popular drawings on the body of troops, chariots, soldiers with closed visor, mask.

Ammunition is drawn in detail, up to the application of the emblem, the number of the legion, tourma. The main advantage of a mythological character is imagination and no need to conform to canons. The ancient warrior on the body is characterized by fearlessness, invincibility and, in part, a certain divinity and eternity of being.


In most cases, these figures can be associated with a particular nation or ethnic group. And necessarily to its militant part. In practice, these are Japanese ninja and samurai. Their tattoos symbolize strength, dexterity, courage and a bit of magic. For example, the Japanese word kamikaze consists of two characters. They form the word combination divine wind. That's why they choose the Japanese theme, partly romance.

The Viking theme is liked for the surviving legends of the complete selflessness of these warriors. To get to heaven, to Valhalla, a warrior could only through death on the battlefield. Going to the end - the motto of life of people who choose these tattoos.

Fans of Native American themes choose images from the pages of novels, such as "The Last of the Mohicans" by James Fenimore Cooper. Redskin chiefs represent love for their land, courage, people who have nothing to lose.


Patriotism is displayed in a preference for our Russian or Russian images of warriors. These are Slavic epic heroes Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya and Alyosha Popovich. The idea, the inner message to protect one's home, family, and children - this is attractive in the choice of Slavic heroes.

Warriors on the body are not just a male choice. If the strong representatives of the planet prefer a demonstration of determination, courage, military identity, the female tattoos can be more romantic.

A popular theme is that of the Tsarevna Swan from Pushkin's fairy tale. It is also protection, but not direct, but rather transcendent, applying otherworldly forces. Fashionable and drawings-abstractions with girls: slender legs, the wings of an angel and a sword in his hand.

Practical tips

To begin with, information for beginners taking their first steps in tattooing. If you decide to choose the theme of the warrior, the army, then make sure that your favorite image does not contain prohibited topics.

Among them are the promotion of fascism, violence, belonging to radical movements, the use of the Hitler swastika, the digital slogan 14/88.

Of artistic styles, the best choice is realism. It is inherent in the photographic transmission, the truthfulness of even a fictional image.

Full-length or portrait will be painted in detail. The color is allowed to be monochrome, mostly dark. Fantasy is also popular, such as a combination of a warrior in armor with the wings of an angel.

Tattoo warrior - a fairly large image. The healing process will take from a week to a month. Everything is individual. After the drawing, it is necessary to cover it with food film, a child's thin diaper.

Already at home you should make the initial treatment with warm water and antibacterial, hypoallergenic soap. Allowed the use of ointments, such as bepontene, solkoseryl. If you choose an excellent tattoo master, the risk of going to a dermatologist is negligible.

Photo ideas of tattoos in the form of a warrior

Advised to read

For girls

For men
